November 30th — Affiliate Partners, FCoM: Ladyyren, Better Mobile Experience

Original Glaze
3 min readDec 1, 2021


Happy November everyone!

Hello everyone!

We have partnered with EZCosplay and RoleCosplay to provide discounts to Original Glazers for all your cosplay needs. Please take advantage of these here. Every sale you make using those codes, Original Glaze gets a small percentage to help us fund the future of the platform!

We have been working on some really big features entering next year. We will be giving a sneak peek of our roadmap for our ‘December’ edition of the newsletter. Stay tuned!

Featured Cosplayer of the Month

This month we’re featuring Ladyyren for her Winifred Sanderson and Merida Cosplays! Check out more of her cosplays on her profile. (Only works if you’re already on the platform)

Platform Updates

We spent most of November optimizing UI layouts for some of the most commonly used features. Mobile dialogs like ‘Create Glaze’ and ‘Edit Profile’ are now streamlined with bigger hitboxes. See below:

X button is close to the ‘Next’ button which led to some user frustration.

Hitting the back arrow on the top left will serve as the close button while skipping will take you to the next step.

We have noticed that many users may not be aware of the ‘Hover-over tooltip’ function on the desktop/laptop experience. We now support the ‘Hover-over tooltip’ on profile pictures AND username. Check it out below.

In addition to these smaller feature changes, we have continued to clean up the bugs in Alpha. Some of these fixes include: mobile download modals and search UI overflows.

Here are ways you can help us grow our community!

Follow & Like us on:

Donate & Support us!

  • Donate to our Ko-Fi to get the OG platform to the general public!

Join the community!

  • Join our Discord to ask questions, provide feedback, and meet other cosplayers!

“Don’t give up, there’s no shame in falling down! True shame is to not stand up again!”
The Original Glaze Team

