October 26th — Viral on TikTok, FCoM — Sam_Mel_works, Better Mobile UI & Topics, Squash the Bugs!

Original Glaze
3 min readOct 27, 2021


Happy October everyone!

Original Glaze went viral!

This month, Original Glaze was featured in 18 TikTok videos, which received a total of 73,218 video views! Our marketing site received 17,142 visits and we received 5,209 new email signups! Best of all, we onboarded 1,221 new Glazers!

Please keep in mind that we are still working through signups. Each one is done by hand and, as such, they do take some time for us to go through but we are working diligently so keep an eye on your email to confirm your account registration. As a reminder to new users, Original Glaze does not support special characters outside of underscores (_) and we have a max character limit of 16 for usernames.

Featured Cosplayer of the Month

This month we’re featuring Sam_Mel_Works in their Shinobu and Tomioka cosplays from Demon Slayer! Check out more of their cosplays on their profile. (Only works if you’re already on the platform)

Platform Updates

Thank you very much for all of your feedback. We heard your suggestions and have updated the multi-photo Glaze viewer to turn off autoscroll if you tap/click on the side arrows.

The followers/following page got a small update: we moved the ‘Followers’ and ‘Following’ titles to the row below your username for better usability on smaller devices.

Lots of updates were made to topics this month! Now if you put a hashtag in your topic (#mha), the system will automatically treat it as a topic without a hastag (mha). If you add multiple hashtags to a single topic (#mha #shoto), the system will treat it as two separate hashtags (‘mha’ ‘shoto’). Lastly, any hashtags with ‘cosplay’ in them will now have ‘cosplay’ removed. This is because we are a cosplay platform so the use of ‘cosplay’ is not necessary. It also helps so you don’t have to repeat tags like ‘shoto’ and ‘shoto-cosplay’ so you can make better use of the tags.

Squash the Bugs!

  • Searching for a topic with a longer name will no longer causes the app to go offline.
  • Missing comments are now fixed.
  • Keyboard emojis will no longer block users from creating a glaze.
  • Errors when setting a password and/or username will now show correctly.
  • Clicking on a user’s @mention no longer creates a white screen on mobile.

Here are ways you can help us grow our community!

Follow & Like us on:

Tell your friends and fellow cosplayers about us

  • Use your social media to tweet & post about what we are doing
  • Word of mouth — we can’t grow without people being interested in what we are doing!

Join our Discord!

  • Join our community. Ask questions, provide feedback, meet other cosplayers here.

“We are all in the perpetual quest for keeping oneself occupied, entertained, and important — which burns at the edge of addiction.”
The Original Glaze Team

